You Can Support Entire Communities
By supporting EnerChange, you help hundreds of organizations serve thousands of people.
Financially bolstering EnerChange allows our team more resources to connect with more of the nonprofit organizations helping the communities you love. By helping these organization to be more energy-efficient and resource-wise, they can redirect those savings into their work of improving lives.
Your Dollar Goes Further.
There is both immediate and longer-term dollar value for our nonprofit organizations who partner with EnerChange.
In a period where many nonprofits struggle with maintaining donations EnerChange is a welcomed and proven way to reduce energy use, benefit climate change positively and apply more money to their mission. Every $1 invested in EnerChange will result in savings of more than $3 for the nonprofit community over a 5-year period.
Nonprofits need more funds than ever before for their mission. They realize that by reducing energy costs, particularly during the recent rise in prices, our work helps greatly to reduce expenses and return dollars to their program and mission.
Partner Impact: Quantified
Your welcomed support is multiplied by the good it does for other organizations and in turn, the good they do for people in need.
$28 Million +
In total nonprofit energy savings
$3,600 +
Average annual savings per nonprofit building
Total organizations supported